Change that leads to better lives

Time to Talk Next Steps - Final Evaluation Report

Tt TNS Final evaluation web page July 24 01

Time to Talk Next Steps (TtTNS) has been a three-year (2021 – 2024) rights-based support programme for young people with additional needs aged 16 – 25 in England. The programme has been delivered in partnership by NDTi and Contact, and funded by The National Lottery Community Fund.

Data from across the three years of TtTNS suggests the programme had an overwhelmingly positive impact on the young people who received support. Learning captured during the evaluation highlights that receiving one-to-one support and engaging with the social and training activities provided by the programme offered many benefits.

We are delighted to share the highlights and examples of impact from TtTNS in the following resources:

  • Programme Aims

  • What did we find out?

  • Recommendations

Quote from a young person
“When I started TtTNS I hardly looked at the screen and spoke through my mother. I was struggling to leave the house, I was out of school, not accessing social activities. TtTNS definitely helped me take some steps towards thinking of alternative plans for the future.” (Young person)
Quote from Professional
“It’s so important to hear these perspectives, hearing [young person’s] story really hit hard. Keep up the good work, more training needs to be like this.” (Professional)
Quote from a parent
“My son’s confidence has grown so much, I don’t know what the future holds but we are now thinking about work and different jobs.” (Parent)

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