The impact and effectiveness of meaningful activity for people with mental health problems
A review of research on the impact and effectiveness of meaningful activity for people with mental health problems.
A review of research on the impact and effectiveness of meaningful activity for people with mental health problems.
A review of research into the experiences of the MHA and the role of professionals involved.
This paper provides a review of research into what works to improve the social networks and prevent social isolation for people with mental health problems.
NDTi’s Mental Health Lead, Kate Linsky responds to today’s BJGP Study which evidences the difficulty for older people to access psychological therapy services.
Our Community Led Support work in Scotland continues to gather pace as members of the NDTi team attended the launch of the What Matters–Scottish Borders community hub initiative last week.
This guidance document and an accompanying film has been commissioned by NHSE, and is designed to support social care providers who want to improve the health and therefore the lives of the people they support.
Through our work across the UK with older people, people with learning disabilities and people with mental health problems it has become clear that despite the range of housing options that exists for people with support needs, there is still an over reliance on traditional forms of housing and support such as residential or nursing care.
This report follows recent work around Personal Health Budgets(PHBs) for children and young people in Plymouth, Hampshire and Derbyshire.
NDTi’s Head of Development, Bill Love, reflects on what we can learn from smaller organisations that provide great support.
Pharmacy teams in community, primary care and acute hospital settings see many people with learning disabilities....
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