Conducting a risk assessment for outings
Conducting a risk assessment for outings
Conducting a risk assessment for outings
Reflections from Associate Jackie Claxon-Ruddock on her work on the Time to Talk Next Steps project, supporting young people with additional needs to realise their aspirations...
The value of building community capacity to social care is now widely recognised. Despite this acceptance, and a growing body of work to support development, its spread is uneven with pockets of promising practice rather than large-scale change.
Learning Disability Programme Lead, Madeline Cooper-Ueki, discusses our role in changing the direction of current learning disability practices in the UK.
For Advocacy Awareness Week Janet Gurney, from Us in a Bus, discusses the benefits of using Intensive Interaction in Advocacy. Her piece is introduced by Gail Petty, Advocacy & Voice Lead at NDTi, who has first-hand experience of using Intensive Interaction.
Katrin McEntee, from The British Institute of Human Rights, discusses why Human Rights needs to be used in Advocacy and how it can be done.
Gail Petty, NDTi’s Advocacy Lead introduces Advocacy Awareness Week 2019
NDTi has particular expertise at supporting organisations through change and in particular helping traditional services become more community focused. Positive change that results in better lives for people does not just happen. It can be complex and it will usually takes time and commitment if the desired outcomes are to be achieved.
The nine ‘life domains’ are shown as segments in this diagram. they have been chosen as they are the main places where friendships form and people gain a positive sense of identity in the wider...
The following paragraphs offer guidance on what to do when real life seems too untidy to fit neatly into the Inclusion Web chart....
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