Preparing for Adulthood: Employment Resources
Employment resources created as part of the delivery of the Preparing for Adulthood programme and other NDTi projects.
Employment resources created as part of the delivery of the Preparing for Adulthood programme and other NDTi projects.
Event resources created as part of the delivery of the Preparing for Adulthood programme and other NDTi projects.
Independent living and housing resources created as part of the delivery of the Preparing for Adulthood programme and other NDTi projects.
Local offer and self-evaluation tools and resources created as part of the delivery of the Preparing for Adulthood programme and other NDTi projects.
Education, health and care planning resources created as part of the delivery of the Preparing for Adulthood programme and other NDTi projects.
Resources around friends, relationships and community created as part of the delivery of the Preparing for Adulthood programme and other NDTi projects.
Case studies and stories shared as part of the delivery of the Preparing for Adulthood programme and other NDTi projects.
As part of our work on the Erasmus project to learn about Pathways into Employment for young people with Disabilities, one of the participants, Sterre Ploeger, has contributed a graphic representation of her story.
Recently I spent the day at the Westminster Insight Conference and was struck by the number of times people referred to inclusion, in particular, the challenges that inclusion brings. But I have to ask – is it really that challenging?
Early intervention is essential with young people who are labelled as having special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) if they are to have a life of work rather than a life in services
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