The Hidden Costs of Support
Experiences of family carers who support someone with learning disabilities
Experiences of family carers who support someone with learning disabilities
Measuring and monitoring the quality of housing services for and with people with learning disabilities - Key findings from commissioner and service provider surveys
Commissioned by the Education & Training Foundation, NDTi has produced two case study videos showcasing how local authorities and further education providers work together to support learners with SEND
The report is the result of a survey of nearly 450 advocates. Advocacy organisations across the UK, including NDTi, worked in partnership to run the survey and launch the report.
In this Paper, we focus on Scottish Borders - an established CLS site with good data literacy and a realistic approach to collecting and using different sources of evidence - to look at what we know is changing as a result of their local approach and what can be learnt from this.
Ageing Better Isle of Wight (also known as Age Friendly Island) was a five-year (2015-2020) partnership funded by the National Lottery Community Fund that aimed to make the Isle of Wight a great place to...
The aim of this research is to look at the potential benefits of a hosting arrangement for this group of women, compared to common alternatives used, or the absence of provision.
Findings from the evaluation of the 2019-20 Leadership Programme are overwhelmingly positive. Participants are overall very satisfied with the course and feel their leadership knowledge and skills have improved.
Care home residents benefit from getting out, building relationships with other citizens beyond the care system and contributing to wider community life and this is the focus of the Time to Connect project.
The inclusion traffic lights help us think about the places people go and the people they connect with.
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