Valuing People - What Now?
Ten years on from its publication, the Government’s Valuing People policy (re-born as Valuing People Now in 2008), has achieved something quite unique in terms of Government policy – it still has deep and broad...
Ten years on from its publication, the Government’s Valuing People policy (re-born as Valuing People Now in 2008), has achieved something quite unique in terms of Government policy – it still has deep and broad...
A short series of articles is currently being published in the British Journal of Wellbeing that reflect on the relationship between service-centred, person-centred and community-focused approaches....
Peter Bates (NDTi) and Mark Lymbery (University of Nottingham) wrote this book chapter for Early Professional Development for Social Workers, edited by Raymond Taylor, Malcolm Hill and Fergus McNeill and published in March 2011....
NDTi and Innovations in Dementia led this three year project which took place in four areas of the South of England and was funded by the Department of Health’s Innovation Excellence and Service Development fund...
When people neglect their personal hygiene, there can be serious consequences for health and social inclusion....
NDTi, funded by the DH, worked with two private sector hospitals to try and support them to reduce hospital beds and find new ways of working....
Skills for Care initiated a Neighbourhood Workforce Planning & Community Skills Development programme, and NDTi were working with 3 early adopter sites in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, to help capture the learning from the approaches that were tried in those areas.
The Nursing Standard published an article by Sue Turner entitled 'Increasing health checks for people with learning disabilities'....
Community Care published a research article in November based on the NDTi 'Feeling Settled' guide on changing Residential Care services to Supported Living for people with learning disabilities, where people continue to live in the...
Two new reports have been published today by the National Development team for Inclusion (NDTi) to help address the problem of people with learning disabilities not getting equal access to housing or having their housing rights respected.
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