Thinking about Tomorrow
Kay shares her family’s experience of their Preparing for Adulthood journey, and how they have high aspirations for the future.
Kay shares her family’s experience of their Preparing for Adulthood journey, and how they have high aspirations for the future.
Ahead of NDTi's 'Close to Home' review being published, Kate Linsky, NDTi's Programme Lead for Mental Health, introduces the paper and reflects on its recommendations for adults with mental health conditions.
How meeting through Shared Lives led Andy and James to form 'Local Social', a community interest company, that has changed both their lives. Author: Andy Cooke
Drawing on our own work at NDTi and a rapid review of recent literature, our Close to Home paper aims to enable providers and commissioners to reduce out of area placements for adults with mental health problems and, where they are in place, to ensure they are used to best effect.
David Brindle, the Guardian’s public services editor and NDTi’s ambassador and former chair, reflects on his 2010 story about ‘out of area treatments’ in light of the Close to Home review.
Mark Trewin, from the Department of Health & Social Care, welcomes NDTi’s Close to Home paper for highlighting the need for the whole mental health system to work together to improve access to supportive community services.
Isaac Samuels, the Deputy Chair of the National Co-production Advisory Group, shares his personal story of an out of area placement.
Hári Sewell is founder and Director of HS Consultancy and a former executive director of health and social care in the NHS. Hári questions how much is known about the experience of out of area placements of black or other racialised people.
NDTi’s Associate, Peter Bates, outlines the factors that he believes are contributing to ‘the fog of confusion and lack of positive change' around out of area placements.
Family carers have told us about the varied ways they support a relative with a learning disability in different housing settings and shared their concerns about what would happen (and does happen to people) without this input.
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