Time to Connect Case Studies
Three case studies illustrating work from the Time to Connect Project
Three case studies illustrating work from the Time to Connect Project
A guide for eating together in residential settings
There are particular times in life where people are at risk of losing their friends and their position in the community. Leaving school, moving house, losing your partner or your job, or entering hospital or residential care can all heighten the risk of exclusion. The Inclusion Web can help you hold on to what matters in these challenging stages in life.
Understanding and helping people live more inclusive lives beyond services.
Following eight years’ of operation, Dorset Partnership for Older People Projects (POPP) commissioned NDTi to carry out some research to consider the economic value of their community led preventative approach to working with older people.
NDTi has extensive experience of working with a wide variety of statutory agencies providers, third sector / voluntary organisations and community members in supporting improved social inclusion, especially for marginalised people....
Our community inclusion workshops can be generic or focused on a particular group of people – for example older people, people with learning disabilities and people with mental health problem.
Identifying what works in terms of using the move from residential care to real tenancies in terms of promoting community inclusion.
Peter Bates has had a number or articles and papers published around Mental Health and Social Inclusion. Please click on the link on the right to see an extensive list....
The Social Inclusion Training Pack is a suite of tools and approaches that staff teams and organisations can use to help achieve better outcomes for people.
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