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Rewriting the Narrative

Rewriting the Narrative

Lessons about inclusion from autistic adolescent girls who stop attending school A subtitled video of the webinar from May 2021 by Dr Ruth Moyse. Children who stop attending school are often called truants or school refusers, placing the reason for their absence as a problem within the child. This session proposes a different way of interpreting their absence, by sharing lessons learnt from research with 10 autistic girls who stopped attending mainstream secondary schools.

Posted: 07/05/21

What this group can offer you

What this group can offer you

Communities of Practice can be helpful in many ways. It is hoped this one will aid: Problem solving ‘I keep having this problem during reviews, what would you all do?’ Information Sharing ‘What is the national team saying about the new policy refresh?’ Sharing assets ‘In our region, we do this, it works well, I can send you our templates if that would be helpful’ Coordination and synergy ‘Can we combine our purchases of solvents to achieve bulk discounts?’

Posted: 12/05/21

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