Nic Crosby
I have worked across children and adult’s services for over twenty years; I've championed self-determination and self-directed support for all in need of support from the earliest days of individual budgets.
I have worked across children and adult’s services for over twenty years; I've championed self-determination and self-directed support for all in need of support from the earliest days of individual budgets.
A toolkit to enable local areas to assess the extent of the data being collected on young people’s progress into paid employment.
The SEND Leadership Programme, funded by the Department for Education (DfE) and delivered by NDTi as part of the Delivering Better Outcomes Together contract, is now in the 7th year of delivery.
This evaluation report of the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training Trial in Learning Disability and Autism focuses on the data collected about the training packages that were trialled.
On 20th May, the Department for Education announced £12 million funding to directly support schools and colleges to work with pupils with SEND, through the new Universal Services contract....
Time to Talk Next Steps Scotland is a 12-month pilot programme trialling online support for young people aged 16-25 with additional needs in Scotland: hearing their voice, building confidence and supporting transitions.
Recording and resources from the Time to Talk Next Steps webinar held on 13 June 2022.
Paul from My Life My Choice shares his experiences of being part of a number of different communities and the positive impacts of making a difference to other people's lives.
In 2020, NDTi refreshed a suite of person-centred planning materials as part of our delivery of the national Preparing for Adulthood programme.
Employment resources created as part of the delivery of the Preparing for Adulthood programme and other NDTi projects.
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