Change that leads to better lives

Sport Unites Evidence and Learning Framework

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What is it?

This Evidence and Learning Framework has been drafted by NDTi (Sport Unites’ evaluation and learning partner) to provide a coherent impact framework, using an overarching yet flexible structure and guidance on evidencing impact. It has been co-designed with members of the GLA Civil Society and Sports Team and organisations they fund as part of the Sport Unites programme, and developed for all the organisations, partners and grantees who have a role in making the programme happen. It is not intended to replace what is already in place and working well, e.g. at an organisational or project level.

Who is it for?

This Framework has been developed for delivery organisations, directly funded organisations and partners involved in Sport Unites. It will be most useful for people who are responsible for evaluation and/or data collection within organisations, but will also be relevant to staff delivering activities as it will help them to capture and track the impact they see sport having on young Londoners in a consistent way.

Why is it important?

Having a consistent and accessible approach to and guidance on evidencing impact and learning about what works is important for everyone involved in Sport Unites.

How should it be used?

This Evidence & Learning Framework in intended to be used flexibly, so you can dip into whichever section you need, in any order. We recommend, though, that everyone is familiar with Module 1, The Foundations, as this describes the broad approach to evidencing impact and clarifies the terms used throughout.

  • Module 1: The Foundations

  • Module 2: Tools and Approaches

  • Module 3: Examples

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