A report that takes a closer look at the issues which continue to challenge the system, exploring what it takes to support young people with PMLD labels to have good lives and how these approaches can be extended.
As part of NDTi's delivery of the Preparing for Adulthood programme, the Department for Education requested that we take a closer look at some of the issues which continue to challenge the system and to establish “Accelerated Working Groups” to explore these.
One of the groups focused on good life outcomes for young people with "PMLD” (Profound & Multiple Learning Disabilities) labels. We would like to thank those people who joined the group for sharing their experiences, knowledge and ideas. It was invaluable to hear from people with lived experience as well as professionals whose careers have been focused on supporting young people with PMLD labels to have the best possible lives.
This report explores the following areas and also includes some useful links in the appendix:
This resource was created by the National Development Team for Inclusion as part of our delivery of the Preparing for Adulthood programme, which is funded by the Department of Education to support the SEND reforms.
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