Rebuilding an inclusive education system
A call for urgent educational reform following the new Public Accounts Committee report on support for children and young people with special educational needs.
A call for urgent educational reform following the new Public Accounts Committee report on support for children and young people with special educational needs.
A toolkit to enable local areas to assess the extent of the data being collected on young people’s progress into paid employment.
A report that takes a closer look at the issues which continue to challenge the system, exploring what it takes to support young people with PMLD labels to have good lives and how these approaches can be extended.
A skills audit to develop effective practice in Supported Internships.
A tool to support productive conversations to enable young people with SEND to achieve good PfA and life outcomes.
A list to identify some of the key issues within the SEND code of practice.
This post 16 transition audit tool is designed to support Local Authorities and Health partners in CCGs areas across education, health and care (children and adult’s) to evaluate how they are doing in preparing young people with SEND for their adult lives.
This paper outlines how Bath & North East Somerset finalises EHCPs for young people who are transferring in to a Post 16 placement by 31 March.
In March 2018, the Department for Education asked the Preparing for Adulthood team to work with some local areas to explore the challenges presented by the extension of the SEND system to age 25, introduced by the Children and Families Act 2014.
The Preparing for Adulthood Team have been working with 18 local areas to explore the challenges that the new SEND system has presented in terms of the 16-25 cohort of young people.
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