There is no authority but yourself
Reminiscing after a virtual exchange with old friends the other day, the phrase mis-spent youth sprung to mind. Though used ironically, the phrase reminded me of the set of beliefs we nurtured and held.
Reminiscing after a virtual exchange with old friends the other day, the phrase mis-spent youth sprung to mind. Though used ironically, the phrase reminded me of the set of beliefs we nurtured and held.
Making sure people who work in NHS trusts have the training they need to support people with learning disabilities...
Ageing Better Isle of Wight (also known as Age Friendly Island) was a five-year (2015-2020) partnership funded by the National Lottery Community Fund that aimed to make the Isle of Wight a great place to...
In this Paper, we focus on Scottish Borders - an established CLS site with good data literacy and a realistic approach to collecting and using different sources of evidence - to look at what we know is changing as a result of their local approach and what can be learnt from this.
This case study explores how Nathan secured a job and his return to work following COVID-19 restrictions.
Funded by The National Lottery Community Fund, the National Development Team for Inclusion’s (NDTi’s) Time to Talk project offers 50 young people online strength-based support at home to counter social isolation, provide motivation and help them return to education or training.
In our work with people who commission, provide, fund and use day time services it is clear that they face common and growing core pressures.
The Preparing for Adulthood Team have been working with 18 local areas to explore the challenges that the new SEND system has presented in terms of the 16-25 cohort of young people.
Through our Community Led Support (CLS) programme we are working with over 30 areas across the UK to transform the way they support people. Covid-19 has inevitably changed things but what has been the impact of CLS on this?
Supporting young people with SEND to plan for the future, following the disruption caused by the pandemic and lockdown.
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