Community Inclusion
For the last ten years the NDTi has been working alongside and learning with statutory, voluntary and private agencies who are seeking to achieve community inclusion
For the last ten years the NDTi has been working alongside and learning with statutory, voluntary and private agencies who are seeking to achieve community inclusion
Positive change that results in better lives for people does not just happen. It can be complex and it will usually takes time and commitment if the desired outcomes are to be achieved.
Our strategy outlines how we will use and build upon our strengths. There are four key objectives: Equal Lives, People’s Voices, Rethinking Organisations and A Great NDTi.
We receive a lot of positive feedback from the people we work with. Below is a selection of comments we have received. Community Led Support, Shrewsbury "I always feel lifted and recharged after any involvement...
‘The arc of the moral universe is long but it bends towards justice’. Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous quote is full of optimism, a sense that progress is inevitable. The notion that a hopeful future of greater equality, health and wellbeing is somehow preordained.
In March 2018, the Department for Education asked the Preparing for Adulthood team to work with some local areas to explore the challenges presented by the extension of the SEND system to age 25, introduced by the Children and Families Act 2014.
One of the four Preparing for Adulthood pathways focusses on Relationships - this includes family, friends and community, as well as sexual relationships. On this page we have provided a number of useful links to support young adults who are thinking about their sexuality, sexual identity, relationships and rights.
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