Hospital Staff and Learning Disability Awareness Training - findings from two surveys
Hospital Staff and Learning Disability Awareness Training - findings from two surveys
Hospital Staff and Learning Disability Awareness Training - findings from two surveys
Hospital Staff and Learning Disability Awareness Training - findings from hospital interviews
A collection of resources that make sure people who work in NHS trusts have the training they need to support people with learning disabilities
Charli is an autistic Expert by Experience with lived experience of CAMHS inpatient care. She works with multiple areas of the NHS and other organisations like NDTi on improving inpatient care and reducing unnecessary admissions of autistic young people, with particular focuses on sensory needs, human rights, and transitions.
On 09 March 2022, the PfA team delivered an online employment conference.
Talking to Gail Petty and Kate Mercer about the new Advocacy Training Hub and how to get involved in this year’s Advocacy Awards, Advocacy Conference and Advocacy Awareness Week
A skills audit to develop effective practice in Supported Internships.
On 11 March 2022, the PfA team delivered an online event to showcase not only what the PfA team has achieved, but also to celebrate some of the fantastic things that are going on around the country to support young people with additional needs to have a good life.
We have created this space for older autistic people to share their worries and their hopes about their lives in the hope of building a conversation around what it means to be growing old as an autistic person.
I was diagnosed as autistic (Asperger’s Syndrome) in October 2015, shortly before my 51st birthday. Up until this point I had absolutely no idea that I was autistic.
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